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A search for 'Avengers, The (2012)' gave the following results:

328 matches in tracks
  1. Linde Suite II: Shanghai 2012 - The Journey Continues (09:01)
    from Durch Liebe Erlöst – Böses Erwachen – Linde Suite II
    from "Shanghai 2012 - The Journey Continues" (2012)Slovak National Symphony Orchestra cond. Vladimir MartinkaCD2 total time: 65:05
  2. Linde Suite II: Shanghai 2012 - The Journey Continues (09:01)
    from Geheimnis Des Roten Hauses, Das
    from "Shanghai 2012 - The Journey Continues" (2012)Slovak National Symphony Orchestra cond. Vladimir MartinkaCD2 total time: 65:05
  3. Linde Suite II: Shanghai 2012 - The Journey Continues (09:01)
    from Böses Erwachen
    from "Shanghai 2012 - The Journey Continues" (2012)Slovak National Symphony Orchestra cond. Vladimir MartinkaCD2 total time: 65:05
  4. Avengers Assemble - The Avengers (02:10)
    from 100 Greatest Film Themes - Take 3
    London Music Works
  5. New Avengers - Avengers: Age Of Ultron ## (03:09)
    from Avengers: Age Of Ultron
    # = composed by BRIAN TYLER (total time - 49:02)## = composed by DANNY ELFMAN (total time - 28:26)
  6. The Year 2012 (03:52)
    from Continuum
  7. 2012 The End of the World (01:24)
    from 2012
  8. Gobi, 2012 (03:00)
    from Loki
  9. New York, 2012 (01:30)
    from Loki
  10. 2012 (The End Of The World) (00:00)
    from 2012
  11. Water Marked (2012) - 102 min. (00:00)
    from Two North(s) & A Little Part Of Anywhere
  12. Water Marked (2012) - 102 min. (00:00)
    from Matka Edeniin
  13. Water Marked (2012) - 102 min. (00:00)
    from Theon Talo
  14. Water Marked (2012) - 102 min. (00:00)
    from Luciferin Viimeinen Elämä
  15. Water Marked (2012) - 102 min. (00:00)
    from Maailman Viimeinen Kirjakauppa
  16. Water Marked (2012) - 102 min. (00:00)
    from Ympyrät Ja Kivet
  17. Suite from 2012 Supernova (15:00)
    from 2012: Supernova
  18. Suite from 2012 Supernova (15:00)
    from Princess Of Mars
  19. Suite from 2012 Supernova (15:00)
    from Transmorphers: Fall of Man
  20. Suite from 2012 Supernova (15:00)
    from Journey To The Center Of The Earth
Show all 328 matching tracks